I’m not the sharpest knife in the drawer when it comes to math however I can see that I have to rework my equation for life!

G + MN = FP


I teach that if you know your gifts and you are using and applying them in an area of work that is totally meaningful to you then you will FEEL on purpose. I still stand behind this however this doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll be happy or grateful for what you have.

Happiness and gratitude are attitudes, a state of mind. So you can be totally feeling on purpose in the work you do and be miserable when you think about your spouse, your house, your finances or your cat that peed on the carpet this morning.

Attitude plays a huge part in your happiness. We see evidence in the celebrity world of very gifted individuals who are brilliant at what they do and on stage they are clearly on purpose however that doesn’t mean they are happy off stage and it doesn’t ensure that they are grateful for what they have. Those are attitudes, perceptions… the way you look at your life. It’s a state of enjoying life even if there are circumstances around you that may not always be enjoyable.

Many people who appear to “have it all” can suffer from stinking thinking. You can be doing a job you actually love, you can be super effective at your work and you may get a lot of feedback of how amazing you are at what you do. You may be in the right place at the right time and still have negative emotions about all kinds of things.  Yet you can also appear to have nothing, have little money or posessions, do work that to some may appear to be menial and yet feel on purpose, be happy and feel grateful.

So let’s flip it and look at it the other way. Can you be happy even if you are not feeling totally on purpose? YES! Of course you can. You may be in transition between careers, or you may be working a job that is not in alignment with your gifts or you may be applying your gifts to an area that really isn’t meaningful to you anymore, however you can still have an attitude of happiness about your life and find something to be grateful about.. You can still be happy as you move from where you are to where you are going next.

Perhaps the new equation could be

G + MN = FP + AHG = LL

Your Gifts applied to something that is meaningful to you and of benefit to others = Feeling on Purpose. Add to that an Attitude of Happy Gratefulness and it all = LOVING YOUR LIFE.

Do you love your life? Are you happy? The good news is you can be. The bad news is it’s challenging to fish around in a stinkin’ thinkin’ mind to find new happy grateful thoughts. So let the Universe work in YOU.

You don’t have to work at being happy and grateful as much as you do have to invite “happy” and “grateful”  into your life.

A simple prayer:

I invite an attitude of happiness and gratitude into my life. Universe, make me the happy, grateful person I have the capacity to be.  And so it is!   The Universe knows what to do next. Butt out!

“I wish you joy and happiness… but most of all I wish you love”  ~ Whitney