The Universe works according to the readiness of our soul. The Universe isn’t coersive or forceful. It waits upon us and knows our readiness to receive and use our gifts. We are guided according to perfect timing should we choose to invite that experience. When the timing is right the actions needed are more effortless and seem like the next natural step. The other option is to try and make it happen. When fear is operating in me then I tend to want to try and force things to happen or make things happen which often doesn’t turn out quite like I expected so now what I do is put more time and effort into first collaborating with the Universe/ God. I ask for what I want and I ask for support in making it happen. Usually I begin to see evidence quite quickly and the next step shows itself. Then I have to overcome the skepticism in my mind that it really is the next step. Is this God showing me something or is this me wanting to see something that really isn’t there yet? When I have consciously spent time asking for what I want and drawing up a contract with the Universe that I’ll hold up my end of the agreement, I know that likely whats in front of me IS for me to act on. When I try and figure it out in my head or try and force something to be because I’m in a fear place then it all seems like hard work and usually ends up frustrating me. If there isn’t any flow at all and it all seems like an uphill climb then it usually is and I’m not following the Universe’s gentle nudges. Both approaches may get you there and actually I think that it’s helpful to spend a few years pushing at things uphill in order to get tired enough to say.. Screw this! I need help. That’s when I’m ready to connect and ask both the Universe and others for help. I’ll be explaining the cycle of knowing when to act and knowing when to wait in the next blog.
This is poignant for me in life right now. I am pushing uphill and not coming from a place of servitude.
Identifying what the universe is guiding me too and what my head wants is my challenge. Right now, because of my actions I am now in a position that causes my head to scream and this makes a challenge for me to listen to the universe.
How does one identify the differences?
Identifying the difference can come by paying attention to how it feels. Screaming in your head to me doesn’t sound particularly pleasant. A whisper in the heart that carries with it a sense of knowing and some peace around it would more likely be coming from the Universe. If you continue to ignore the nudgings of your heart then the Universe may eventually get a little louder and louder until you pay attention however you will by then usually see it clearly and can no longer ignore it. Ask the Universe to deliver it’s messages to you in a way that will be identifiable by you and that will make sense to you. “Dear Universe, Kindly respond to my requests and to my desires in a way that I will get it, in a way that will be exactly right for me. Thank you” Also keep in mind that you can choose both. You can fulfill the desires of your heart and pay attention to what your head is telling you. An example might be: I want to be in my gifts, I want to be of service to this planet in some way. I want to make a difference AND I want to enjoy prosperity and abundance and earn great income.” They don’t need to be separate from each other.