Chaos Cycle

“The two most important days of your life are the day you are born, and the day you find out why.”

– Mark Twain


What People are saying

“I received an invite from Leela Francis (International trainer and author) to hear you speak on a conference call and I immediately was drawn to your website and just knew I had to purchase the audio series. I did the whole series yesterday. I just could not put it down. Wonderful, magical…this was divinely inspired guidance. This came sent from heaven.”
Hannelie Venucia

Founder, Inspirational Radio, Johannesburg, South Africa

I have never come across such a powerful process for honing my true gifts. It’s brilliant, fun, and I’m still reaping the benefits.
Christine Awram

Founder, Woman Of Worth, Woman Of Worth

This program allowed me to clearly see my gifts and why I am so inclined to do the work I do. It also allowed me to reconcile with a part of myself. It brought peace with the part of me that was thinking I wasn’t good enough in certain areas of my life. The program gave me persmission to stop judging myself and brought me the peace of mind to allow myself to show up in the world as the REAL ME.
Julie Anne Christoph

Trainer of Coaches, The Change Revolution

I loved this course.  I was surprised by some of the gifts that I learned I have, and others I knew I had, but had forgotten about them due to life circumstances (I’m a mom of 3).  I’m excited to re-prioritize using the gifts I’d long forgotten about, and to make a point of letting go of any guilt I have about the gifts that I don’t have.  It was an eye-opening experience and I loved the discernment process.
Marysia Riverin

Hospital Chaplain, CHEO