What Are Sacred Gifts?
Knowing yourself is the best gift you can give yourself.


What are you waiting for?

The Discover Your Sacred Gifts program is a tool of introspection that connects you to the Gifts that have been placed within you, so that you can create a life of deeper meaning and fulfillment.

Your Sacred Gifts are not learned skills or talents, rather, they are unexplained abilities that you have had from birth, that allow you to do seemingly ordinary things, but in a way that leaves a tremendous impact on those whose lives you touch.

Your Gifts have been placed within you to equip you to do great things. 

They are the tools in your toolbox, so-to-speak.

When you use your Sacred Gifts the way they were meant to be used (for the benefit of others), you produce profound effects, far beyond what you could normally create with a talent or a skill. There is no greater way for you to impact humanity and to have the experience of loving your life than to know the Gifts you have and to put them into action in your life.

At the same time, it is just as freeing to know and accept the Gifts you DON’T have, and to let any unnecessary expectations of yourself go.


The process of discerning your gifts and what they might be is a spiritual process, not an intellectual one. It isn’t in knowing the names of the gifts or the scores that you received in your profile that will cause significant change in your life. What will cause significant change in your life is your willingness to allow the gifts that you have within you to start manifesting out into the world.
Monique MacDonald

Creator of the Discover Your Sacred Gifts Program

We all have gifts. We just don’t grow up learning what they are.

The problem is we live in a time and culture where most people are completely disconnected from their Sacred Gifts and from their innate spiritual powers.

Many people go their entire lives feeling empty or dissatisfied because they have no idea what it is they are here to do.

Our goal is to help you discover and awaken your Gifts through our live workshops, self-study course, journeys, and personal mentoring programs, so that you create a life of more meaning and fulfillment.

A life that embraces all of your Gifts and has you knowing, without a doubt, how important you are.

If you’re ready to embrace your life and to step up to a new way of living, and you’re ready to shift your perspective of yourself and of others, then give yourself this beautiful gift, and get to know yourself more.

You have magic inside you: Gifts that are supernatural and powerful. They are waiting to be released or more fully expressed. Live from your Gifts and you’ll naturally find yourself loving your life, and positively impacting those around you along the way…